Today was a big day! Jon, Jack and I headed off to Jack's first Dr.'s appt. Everything went very well. He now weighs 6 lbs, 9.5 oz- he is SO close to being back to his birth weight. The Dr. said that she likes babies to be back up to birth weight by two weeks, so at 5 days old Jack seems to be eating well.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Jack's First Doctor Visit
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Announcing Douglas John Urban!
Jack, after his first bath (in the nursery window)The Urban Family in post-op recovery
Mom and Jack
Dad and Jack
Douglas John (Jack) was born on May 25th at 5:03 pm. MC was induced about two weeks early, at 38w1d, due to late pregnancy complications. Jack decided he wanted to make an eventful entry, so with the progression of labor he managed to wrap the umbilical cord around his neck not once, but twice. We just knew this little one was going to be an overachiever from the start.
Jack measured 6 lbs. 10 oz and 19 inches at birth and the whole family got to come home on Memorial Day!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Puppy Love
P-dog (affectionately known as Mr. P, P-diggy, The P, etc) has been worried lately. He knows he's about to be even lower in the totem pole. We're keeping him out of the nursery now, unless we're in there with him. But, every once in a while, we'll see him try to be sly and saunter in without us noticing. He's been successful a few times- as evident by the stuffed animal he found while in there. His personal favorite is the quacking duck. Ohhhh, P. I wish you knew what you were in for....