Jack started crawling forward the day before his 9 month birthday! Here's some proof (finally):
Friday, February 29, 2008
He's going forward!
Sorry...we've been sick
Jack and I have been sick, so we haven't been taking too many pictures of late. But, I did get him outside today to steal a few shots. He does this "hand on his hip" thing in between crawling, so I was glad to catch that one!
Nana Linda- we hope you had a GREAT 14th birthday today! We've been thinking about you!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The many faces of Jack-a-roni
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Golf shirt and khakis
Jack was modeling for me on the porch in his new threads.Here he is, keeping an eye on the neighborhood.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I've got the keys...now who's drivin'??
Shocker. Jack has something in his mouth. How novel. Kidding, of course. This little boy will find the ONE tiny crumb of pancake on the floor (even before P finds it) and it goes straight into his mouth. He has eyes like a hawk.
After looking through the blog, I realized that people must think he is in just a diaper all day long. It's not true. I promise. That's why I made sure to show you all that he has on a onesie AND pants today.
When Jon saw these pants (black with red and white stripes) he was quick to tell me that MD plays VT tomorrow night in basketball. Looks like Jack will have on his Hokie gear tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Monday, February 18, 2008
The last "before" photo
If you look verrrrrry closely, you can see that Jack's lower gum is starting to swell. Teeth?? Maybe soon.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Bath time
Every night, Jack has the same routine. Undressed, weighed, vitamin and into the tub! He still loves staring at himself in the mirror. Here he is with Dad.
Just call him Alex P. Keaton
I had emptied my pockets on the bed earlier and this was the first thing Jack found when he was sitting there. He's all about the Jackson, baby.
Friday, February 15, 2008
The tape trick
So, I read on a photography board that one way to get a picture of a moving child is to plop them down and then put a piece of scotch tape in their hand. Apparently, they'll be so busy trying to figure out how to get the tape off that they forget to crawl away.
Well, in Jack's case, he just ate the tape. I was able to get it out of his mouth before it went down...but not before I got a couple of cute shots. Here's one:
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Our day at the park
After yesterday's failed attempt at cute V-day pics, I decided that Jack would now need "containers" for his pictures. We'll see how long that lasts.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
V-day pics = Total Bust
I had these visions of beautiful Valentine's Day pictures. Jack would be wearing an adorably cute shirt along with a huge smile. Easy, right?
Ridiculously cute t-shirt? Check.
(if he were sitting up, you would see that it read, "Man of your dreams," with a finger pointing up at his face
Camera? Check.
Well rested baby? Check.
Sunshine? Check.
Baby who can crawl and wants to show it off? Check and check...and that's where it all went wrong.
I'll add more of these as I go through them, but here's just a few of Jack's V-day pictures. At least he's wearing a red shirt.

"Now you listen here, Mom (taps finger on blanket). I can crawl now. No more of this sitting up and looking cute business. Are we clear?"
Monday, February 11, 2008
Guess who got to stay in their jammies all day long?We had fun taking pictures until Jack's "security detail" said we were done.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
Grass, grass, I love grass...
Yes, there is a picture of Jack eating grass already, but guess what? The kid loves to eat grass. I don't love him any less. It's another pretty day here in Austin. Could be colder, but I'll try to remember this day as I'm standing under the a/c vents come August.
I plopped Jack down in the front yard (checking for fire ants, first) and he went straight for the delicious, nutritious grass (again).
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Just kickin' back
I know, I know...technically, this is a terrible photo. I had to grab my point-and-shoot before I missed it. Plus, my XTi was upstairs and I couldn't leave Jack like he was to go get it.
This was lunch today. Jack is learning how to hold his own bottle (we're trying to transition to a sippy during lunch and dinner) but, he needs to recline in order to get the milk. Today, he decided to take full advantage of the tray and just relax.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
He ate our house and moved on to the lawn
It was another beautiful day here in Austin, so Jack and I went outside to take pictures. I actually had wanted to take pictures of him outside St. Mary's downtown, but we got down there, went to Ash Wednesday services and when I went to snap his picture against the beautiful architecture, I discovered that I had forgotten the flash drive to my camera. Whoops.
I put a blanket down, as I wasn't sure what Jack would think of the grass. Clearly, I was worried for nothing. He thought it was delish.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Annnndddd....He's off!
Or trying to be, anyway. Jack is really working hard on trying to crawl. So far, he can scoot backwards or in circles. The forward motion just isn't his thing right now. This picture made me laugh because his bare feet were getting stuck on the tiles, so he couldn't flick them out behind him. He kept stretching to get into "crawl position" but those fat little feet wouldn't budge.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Just call me..."Spike"
Yeah, it's become part of the nightly routine now. Jack gets a mohawk after each bath. It'll be funny until the day he comes home with a real one.