Wednesday, April 2, 2008

'Cause that's what you do when you have two teeth...

These photos started out as a joke. I told Jon (on numerous occasions) that, as soon as Jack got some teeth, I was going to take pictures of him eating corn on the cob. Well, the joke was on me. That kid LOVES corn on the cob. It took him just a second to figure out what to do with it, but once it hit those teeth and the deliciousness that is corn on the cob hit his tongue, he was hooked for life. I managed to get a ton of pictures; he was too busy eating corn to crawl away!


We eat corn outside down in these here parts...
(Really, it was in case he dropped it. This way, I wouldn't have to mop the floor.)
corn2 copy

That's a rough, tough, corn eatin' machine right there.


Tabatha said...

I think those are the cutest pictures I have ever seen!!!

ashley said...

soooo cute!! next time have him wear overalls. hehe :-)

Cristina said...

I agree, adorable pictures!